Our Model – Mind Space’s Approach to Mental Wellness

Mind Space represents a collective of passionate physicians who use group medical visit fee codes to provide mental health skills training through the publicly-funded health care system, offering both virtual and in-person groups, across the province. The revolutionary delivery model  offers participants a choice of groups via a single referral centre for the province, and a provincial schedule. In this way, a small number of trained facilitators, supported by a lean not-for-profit organizational team, is able to offer a sustainable, high-quality, accessible service. These programs are reducing the burden on primary care providers, who have often had few resources to offer patients with mild- to moderate- mental health concerns.

Our Impact

Amidst a post-pandemic mental health crisis and within an already strained health system, our impactful groups offer patients alternatives beyond pharmaceuticals. They address critical gaps in primary care, preventing patient deterioration and alleviating provider demoralization. The centralized referral system tackles logistical barriers, making group-based approaches a reality within primary care.

A small program is able to offer a BIG service!

Groups offered


Referring Physicians

How Mind Space Fits Into Our System

If you are a physician who is interested to learn more about how to refer or how to become a facilitator find out more HERE. If you are a mental health clinician/allied health provider and you are interested to learn more about our groups and the content covered, please preview the workbook. If you are administrative support for a mental health program within a Health Authority or Primary Care Network and you would like to create pathways for integrating patient care, please contact Christine Tomori .

Learn More

Read the BCMJ article on the Effectiveness and accessibility of virtual Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Skills Group medical visits during COVID-19

Read the BCMJ article on the success of the CBT Skills Program and find out how it could benefit you and your patients.

CBT Skills Spread Initiative: Building a program to support doctor and patient mental health.